Divorce Hacker: Survive to Thrive

Run Like Hell—How to Escape and Heal from Trauma Bonds

Episode Summary

Nadine Mascaluso, ex-wife to Wolf of Wall Street, Jordan Belfort, joins the Divorce Hacker to discuss her new book ‘Run Like Hell.” She is here to share her experience and help educate women on relationships, trauma bonds, and how to escape them.

Episode Notes

Key Points, Top Takeaways and Memorable Quotes 

“A trauma bond is a dysfunctional relationship between two emotionally connected people, and usually there’s a perpetrator and a victim.” 4:00

“The research shows that women will go back to their abuser 4-7 times before they actually leave.” 6:29

“There’s a symptom called cognitive dissonance that is caused by a trauma bond.” 6:51

“In therapy, you want to give the woman, or anybody, agency.” 9:07

“Being educated can support your empowerment to leave.” 10:25

“A trauma bond is traumatic, so trauma means anything that’s outside the realm of normalcy.” 11:57

“When you’ve been traumatized, the first thing you have to do is stabilize.” 12:27

“The yoga practice is helpful because it helps you ground down and get back into your body and out of your head.” -Ann @ 13:19

“Routine helps us also deal with anxiety.” 13:55

“That conscientious part is going to get you through.” 24:44

“We’ve been so focused on our partner when we’ve been in a trauma bond, really turn the mirror back on you and surround yours;f with like minded individuals that really get it” 26:20

“Where there’s fear, there’s transformation.” 29:45

“I found out that playing it safe was the most dangerous thing to do.” 30:25

Guest Bio

At the age of twenty-two, Nadine's life took an unexpected turn when she married Jordan Belfort, the infamous stockbroker immortalized in the Hollywood hit "The Wolf of Wall Street." Initially, their union seemed like a modern-day fairytale, but beneath the surface, a dark reality began to unfold. As their bond tightened, Jordan's façade crumbled, revealing a complex web of infidelity, narcissistic abuse, insatiable greed, and a devastating drug addiction that transformed Nadine's dream into a harrowing nightmare.

The turmoil of this traumatic relationship served as the catalyst for Nadine's remarkable journey. Fuelled by her determination to help others facing similar struggles, she pursued a path of healing and transformation. She received her Master's degree in Counseling and a Ph.D. in somatic psychotherapy, Dr. Nae established a thriving private practice. Her office quickly became a sanctuary for women who shared hauntingly familiar tales of entanglement with pathological lovers (PLs), trapped in the clutches of

trauma bonds.

What began as a personal mission to facilitate healthy relationship development evolved into an impactful vocation. Over six years, Dr. Nae immersed herself in the study of trauma bond relationships, synthesizing her academic foundation with the wisdom gleaned from her patients' stories. Through this journey, she ascended to the status of a recognized authority in the realms of narcissistic abuse, trauma bonds, and complex PTSD.

She recently wrote a book, "Run Like Hell: A Therapist's Guide to Recognizing, Escaping, and Healing from Trauma Bonds," scheduled for publication on January 9th, 2024 (available for pre-order on Amazon). In

this seminal guide, she shares both her personal narrative and the wealth of knowledge acquired over the years. Readers are granted insights into the psyche of the narcissistic pathological lover, a nuanced understanding of the traits that render certain women susceptible to their advances, and practical

strategies for breaking free from the shackles of trauma bonds.

Nadine's mission extends far beyond knowledge dissemination; it is a beacon of hope for those ensnared in the darkness. With her guidance, readers are empowered to transcend the clutches of trauma bonds, emerging as resilient "surthrivers" primed for healthy, meaningful relationships. She lives between New York and Florida with her husband of 22 years and their two dogs; she has four children and two grandchildren. And when she's not working, she loves to exercise, decorate, cook, and spoil her grandchildren.

Show Notes 

0:00 - Divorce Hacker Intro

0:49 - Introducing Nadine Macaluso

2:13 - Why Did You Write ‘Run Like Hell’?

3:27 - Explanation of the DSM Five & the Meaning of Trauma Bond

5:41 - Why Would Smart Women Return to the Abuser?

8:16 - Find a Therapist & An Accountability Person

11:46 - Supportive Practices for Women

14:25 - How Did You Get the Courage to Leave?

15:24 - Mental Health & Learned Helplessness

20:19 - The Pathological Lover Looks for Specific Personality Traits

25:07 - Advice to Women Searching for A Therapist

30:57 - If It’s Not For You, Do It For Your Children

32:43 - The Silver Lining

34:08 - Thank You & Divorce Hacker Closing

For more about Ann Grant and MB Family Law, please visit: https://www.mbfamilylawyers.com/

Links & Where to Find Nadine 



IG - @therealdrnadine

Tiktok - https://www.tiktok.com/@drnaelmft
