Divorce Hacker: Survive to Thrive

How Yoga Can Help Ground You During Divorce

Episode Summary

Join The Divorce Hacker and health and wellness expert, Shelley Williams, to discuss the value add of including yoga as a grounding practice that can provide you with the clarity and calm you need to manage kids, divorce, business, and life.

Episode Notes

Key Points, Top Takeaways and Memorable Quotes 

“The goal of yoga, the word itself means to connect or to join together.” 4:30

“There’s nothing like the yoga practice, in my personal experience, to really help ground us.” - Ann @ 7:27

“I wrote my book specifically with the goal of trying to break things down so it wouldn’t be so overwhelming.” - Ann @ 8:31

“A divorce is a loss that is like the grieving process.” - Ann @ 9:12

“Commit to some sort of daily practice.” 12:40

“One of my key learning points from going through divorce is remove distraction.” 14:19

“The body doesn’t lie.” 14:55 

“We can all agree that there’s a greater power out there.” 19:17

“We can’t control anybody but ourselves.” - Ann @ 20:15

“I can make a choice to engage in it in a way that either entangles me or liberates me.” 21:41

“Children learn about relationships from what they see.” 43:07 

“Take that time to fill your cup every day with your movement practice, with something that brings you joy, even if it’s four or five minutes.” 44:46

“The power of three.” 45:20 

Guest Bio

Shelley Williams is a health & wellness expert specializing in yoga, pilates, breathwork, meditation, and nutrition. Shelley is the creator of Yoga Mittra, which offers annual mentorship and certification in Yoga & Pilates.  Shelley curates and guides international retreats, offering unique cultural and nature-filled experiences for personal growth and wellness.  Shelley is the founder of Freedom Tribe, a support program for women contemplating and going through divorce--to reclaim their health and balance from the inside out.

Show Notes

0:00 - Divorce Hacker Intro

0:50 - Introducing Shelley Williams

3:24 - What is Yoga?

7:40 - How to Use Yoga to Combat the Overwhelm of Divorce

13:58 - The Four Stages of Grief 

20:00 - Letting Go of Control to Embrace Acceptance & Freedom

25:18 - How Does the Freedom Tribe Help Women?

36:34 - What Would You Do Differently in Your Divorce?

39:55 - Would You Do Anything Different with Your Kids and Co-Parenting?

43:55 - What Advice Would You Give to Women Contemplating or Going Through A Divorce?

46:26 - Thank You & Divorce Hacker Closing

For more about Ann Grant and MB Family Law, please visit: https://www.mbfamilylawyers.com/

Links & Where to Find Shelley

IG - @yogamittra